One of my big experiments this year was to implement Standards Based Grading for the first time. For anyone who hasn’t been following the discussion over many teaching blogs across the web, here’s a horribly simplified explanation (or at least a brief summary of my understanding) of what SBG is all about: Grades should reflect […]
Archives for the Month of October, 2010
The joys of insightful jokes
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
We started the year in AP Calculus with a few explorations so the students could get an early grasp on the big ideas of the class, such as the derivative being a slope or rate of change and the definite integral being the area under a curve. Yesterday, after handing back the first test of […]
How did it get to be October already?
Friday, 8 October 2010
It seems like just yesterday that I was worrying about setting up my classroom and making copies of my syllabus for the first day of school, and now there’s postseason baseball on TV and the first set of grades due in just over a week. The good: Started the year in AP Calculus off with […]