Archives for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Recommendations (by others)

One of the tasks I have outside the classroom is being part of the selection committee for the National Honors Society at our school. Once a year, I get to read over a number of applications from a select group of students and offer opinions on who best meets the standards of scholarship and service […]

So This is the New Year

I can’t decide if the first four days of class have gone by ridiculously quickly or ridiculously slowly. For several years now, I habitually X the days on the school calendar in my classroom, and I was a bit surprised to see only one open square left this week. The first week back after any […]

I forgot to do my homework

Hmmm…I seem to have neglected this blog for nearly two months. Oops. Today was the last teaching day of the calendar year. Everyone must report tomorrow, though it’s only for a Christmas assembly and an early dismissal. AP Calculus ended 2010 on a positive note. We talked about the first derivative test when reasoning from […]

The joys of insightful jokes

We started the year in AP Calculus with a few explorations so the students could get an early grasp on the big ideas of the class, such as the derivative being a slope or rate of change and the definite integral being the area under a curve. Yesterday, after handing back the first test of […]

How did it get to be October already?

It seems like just yesterday that I was worrying about setting up my classroom and making copies of my syllabus for the first day of school, and now there’s postseason baseball on TV and the first set of grades due in just over a week. The good: Started the year in AP Calculus off with […]